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Github Integration

Foto del escritor: KindorKindor

Connect your Github organization through Kindor's Github App

Kindor has a registered Github app, which can be used to make authenticated API requests to your Github organization.

Customers will need to install and authorize Kindor's Github app in their Github Organization to start monitoring their Github activity in Kindor.

You can find Kindor's Github app here.

After following this link, you'll see the following screen, where you'll be able to define the repositories Kindor will have access to.

Repositories access

It's worth noting that, if access is provided to "Only select repositories" the customer will be responsible to keep the list of repositories accesible to the Kindor's app up to date, since new repositories that are not added to this list, won't be monitored by default.

When selecting All repositories all existing and new repositories within the organization will be accesible to Kindor's app.


Kindor only accesses and processes repository metadata through read only permissions. Kindor will never read and store customer's source code.

In order to track all activity related to Commits, Discussions, Pull Requests and Issues, Kindor will request read only permission to the following scopes within Github API:

This scope allows us to read commits activity and statuses

This scope allows us to read and list repositories contents, branches and merges.

This scope allows us to read the metadata regarding issues (In Github, a Pull Request is an Issue), like, assignees, comments, labels and others.

This is a required permission to search repositories, list collaborators and access repository metadata.

This scope allows Kindor to access all Pull Requests metadata like PRs titles, comments, assignees, reviewers, labels, status and files modified.

This scope, provides Kindor access to list pull requests files, this endpoint is used to obtain the number of lines modified in a Pull Request. Kindor is not storing any source code pushed as part of the Pull Request.

This allows Kindor to read the Organization members and teams.

If you need more information about this integration, please contact Kindor's support team.

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